Implementation in 12 months of the FTTH network of the client VTR Chile in the Communes of Graneros, Vallenar, Cauquenes, Parral, San Francisco de Mostazal, Isla de Maipo, El Monte, Laja, Llanquihue, Mulchén, Frutillar, Chimbarongo, Nueva Imperial, Collipulli and Cabildo.
Featured works
Construction of 92,867 Home Passed for the client VTR Chile during a 12 month period.
VTR Chile Trunks
Deployment and construction of 132 Km of Optical Fiber Trunks during a 12 month period.
GPON Entel Peru
172 Wholesale Optical Fiber Clients were built during 2022.
Peru Optical Fiber Link
50 Km Optical Fiber link connecting the capital of the department of Cajamarca with the district of Namora and the districts of Bagua Grande and Jamalca in the province of UTCUBAMBA, department of Amazonas.